Award-Winning Marketing Agency

Hire Us

It’s like getting
your very own
marketing department,
only better


Hire Us

Hiring Greenlamp is like having your own marketing department, but without all the HR and payroll headaches.

We work on retainer basis - you pay a fixed amount monthly, even though the volume of work we deliver varies sagnificantly from month to month. There is no bill shock, no back-and-forth of finalising budgets for each project. The best part is that our fees are 100% tax deductable, plus there is no payroll tax, no insurance premiums to pay and no office politics to worry about.

Thanks to the magic of the modern world's technology, we have been very successful in servicing our clients all over Australia remotely. For you it means one marketing meeting/phone call a month to discuss pressing issues and perhaps a couple of emails every now and then to approve artwork, discuss ideas for the next campaign and confirm a photo shoot.

As an extra bonus, we also take care of printing, thanks to our network of trusted partners. We prepare artwork for print, organise quotes for you, select the right stock for the job at hand, supply print-ready artwork and liaise with the printers to make sure your printed marketing material is "top-shelf".


Marketing Makeover

Our comprehensive 12-month program is designed to transform the top line of your business in a good way. Remember, the purpose of marketing is to generate revenue.

We leave no stone unturned and start your marketing makeover by reviewing your existing brand touch points - basically everything that has your logo on it.

We then look at your target market, your competition and the latest marketing trends and evaluate effectiveness of your current branding and marketing using our propriatery Greenlamp framework.

If your score does not meet our criteria, we will develop a new brand identity for your business... If your current brand identity is spot on, we will move on to developing an actionable marketing strategy to increase your revenue in the long-term.

We don't promise you immediate results, but as we progess with your marketing makeover, you will begin noticing positive improvements.


Marketing Bootcamp

Our half a day interactive face-to-face workshop for your management team will change the way you and your employees think and apporach marketing.

We will equip your team with proven tools and frameworks that will allow you to grasp the fundamental principles and build your strategy on a solid foundation.

And no, social media is not the answer. If you really want to connect with your customer, change this world and leave a solid legacy, you need to embrace marketing in your business. Fix product, place, price and promotion.